Little White Houses: How the Postwar Home Constructed Race in America

Proposta del 16 ottobre 2013
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Titolo:Little White Houses: How the Postwar Home Constructed Race in America
Autori:Dianne Harris
Anno pubbl.:2013
Proposto a:BCA

Riferimento Google Books

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ittle White Houses examines how postwar media representations associated the ordinary single-family house with middle-class whites to the exclusion of others, creating a powerful and invidious cultural iconography that continues to resonate today. Drawing from popular and trade magazines, floor plans and architectural drawings, television programs, advertisements, and beyond, Dianne Harris shows how the depiction of houses and their interiors, furnishings, and landscapes shaped and reinforced the ways in which Americans perceived white, middle-class identities and helped support a housing market already defined by racial segregation and deep economic inequalities.