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Month: aprile 2020

Yuxtaposición Extrema. A Symbiotic Relationship Between the Spontaneous Settlements and the Morphology of the Natural Context

Proposta del 8 aprile 2020
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Titolo: Yuxtaposición Extrema. A Symbiotic Relationship Between the Spontaneous Settlements and the Morphology of the Natural Context
Autori: Carlotta Olivari, Margherita Pasquali, Francisco Diaz, Elisa C. Cattaneo
Anno pubbl.: 2019
ISBN: 9788891638786
Proposto a: BCA


Uno studio contemporaneo sulla relazione tra tematiche ecologiche e progettazione in termini di morfogenetica

Common landscape. Processi di educazione, partecipazione ed «empowerment» in paesaggi ordinari

Proposta del 8 aprile 2020
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Titolo: Common landscape. Processi di educazione, partecipazione ed «empowerment» in paesaggi ordinari
Autori: Sara Gangemi
Anno pubbl.: 2019
ISBN: 9788822903044
Proposto a: BCA


È un testo di cui avrei bisogno per la tesi. Inoltre, essendo stato pubblicato nel 2019, presenta una bibliografia estremamente aggiornata sull’argomento che aiuterebbe me e altri studenti che studiano gli stessi fenomeni.

Object Lessons

Proposta del 1 aprile 2020
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Titolo: Object Lessons
Autori: Sarah Anne Carter
Editore: Oxford University Press
Anno pubbl.: 2018-07-12
ISBN: 9780190225049
Proposto a: BCA


Object Lessons: How Nineteenth-Century Americans Learned to Make Sense of the Material World examines the ways material things–objects and pictures–were used to reason about issues of morality, race, citizenship, and capitalism, as well as reality and representation, in the nineteenth-century United States. For modern scholars, an “object lesson” is simply a timeworn metaphor used to describe any sort of reasoning from concrete to abstract. But in the 1860s, object lessons were classroom exercises popular across the country. Object lessons helped children to learn about the world through their senses–touching and seeing rather than memorizing and repeating–leading to new modes of classifying and comprehending material evidence drawn from the close study of objects, pictures, and even people. In this book, Sarah Carter argues that object lessons taught Americans how to find and comprehend the information in things–from a type-metal fragment to a whalebone sample. Featuring over fifty images and a full-color insert, this book offers the object lesson as a new tool for contemporary scholars to interpret the meanings of nineteenth-century material, cultural, and intellectual life.