An Introduction to Thermal Physics

Proposta del 28 ottobre 2022
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Titolo: An Introduction to Thermal Physics
Autori: Daniel V. Schroeder
Editore: Oxford University Press, USA
Anno pubbl.: 2021-01-05
ISBN: 9780192895547
Proposto a: BCI


This is a straightforward book on general and essential thermal and statistical physics topics. In particular, the explanations and examples in the statistical mechanics’ section are concise and clearly explained. In particular, the explanation of the Sommerfeld expansion of quantum statistics and the explanation of why blackbody radiation occurs in relation to entropy is quite amazing. It seems the author really put quite a lot of effort to explain easily and concisely.

A Review from Grant Sanderson, the creator of the most famous math YouTube channel 3Blue1Brown:

“…Simply put, it’s one of the most enjoyable textbooks I’ve ever read, giving a very satisfying first-principles understanding of what thermodynamic concepts like temperature and entropy really are, and how we can to understand them. Statistical mechanics is all about taking surprisingly minimal assumptions, and mathematically analyzing the life out of them to explain where the laws of thermodynamics come from. I feel all math students should at least expose themselves to this topic, if for no other reason than to see what powerful results can come from simple combinatorics. There’s also value in practicing what it feels like to take a complicated expression, write an approximation that capture the core part that really matters, and use it to make experimental predictions about insanely complicated systems.”

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