Archivio delle proposte

Month: dicembre 2022

Fulmini e spazzatura. Classificare in archeologia

Proposta del 29 dicembre 2022
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Titolo: Fulmini e spazzatura. Classificare in archeologia
Autori: Enrico Giannichedda
Anno pubbl.: 2021
ISBN: 9788872289686
Proposto a: BCA


La questione della classificazione, affrontata, come si impone, in maniera sistematica e classificatoria. L’archeologia è qui in rappresentanza del problema della classificazione e del tipo nelle culture materiali, compresa l’architettura. Un libro che mancava, e che invece vale la pena avere. Recensito su L’Indice del 10/2022

The Cambridge Guide to the Architecture of Christianity

Proposta del 29 dicembre 2022
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Titolo: The Cambridge Guide to the Architecture of Christianity
Autori: Richard A. Etlin
Editore: Cambridge University Press
Anno pubbl.: 2021-11-30
ISBN: 9781108471510
Proposto a: BCA


testo di sintesi di valore internazionale, di autorevole editore, che raccoglie decine di saggi con visione ampia e aggiornata del tema; si tratta del 2° volume, appena uscito. forse sarebbe interessante recuperare anche il primo

Modern Architecture and the Sacred

Proposta del 29 dicembre 2022
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Titolo: Modern Architecture and the Sacred
Autori: Ross Anderson, Maximilian Sternberg
Editore: Bloomsbury Publishing
Anno pubbl.: 2020-11-26
ISBN: 9781350098718
Proposto a: BCA


testo di riferimento aggiornato, sul tema dell’architettura sacra nel novecento, di autori ed editore autorevoli, a integrazione di collezione già ampia e aggiornata sul tema

Handbook on the Politics of Public Administration

Proposta del 28 dicembre 2022
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Titolo: Handbook on the Politics of Public Administration
Autori: Ladner, Andreas, Sager, Fritz
Editore: Edward Elgar Publishing
Anno pubbl.: 2022-10-13
ISBN: 9781839109447
Proposto a: TER


Volume che offre un quadro aggiornato delle teorie sul rapporto tra politica e amministrazione in prospettiva comparata.

Elgar Encyclopedia of European Union Public Policy

Proposta del 28 dicembre 2022
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Titolo: Elgar Encyclopedia of European Union Public Policy
Autori: Paolo R. Graziano, Jale Tosun
Editore: Edward Elgar Publishing
Anno pubbl.: 2022-12-28
ISBN: 9781800881105
Proposto a: TER


Volume che offre un inquadramento dello stato dell’arte della ricerca sulle politiche pubbliche europee e sul loro impatto nei contesti domestici degli Stati membri.

IoT for Smart Operations in the Oil and Gas Industry

Proposta del 27 dicembre 2022
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Titolo: IoT for Smart Operations in the Oil and Gas Industry
Autori: Razin Farhan Hussain, Ali Mokhtari, Ali Ghalambor, Mohsen Amini Salehi
Editore: Elsevier
Anno pubbl.: 2022-09-22
ISBN: 9780323911511
Proposto a: BCI


With the knowledge that artificial intelligence and machine learning in today’s world is one of the most important issues that are discussed in the fields of engineering and medicine and even in normal life, and petroleum engineering is not an exception to this, and in recent years it has been very Attention has been paid in oil and energy engineering and the world is moving towards using artificial intelligence in this industry. Since the Polytechnic University of Turin is one of the best universities in the world in this field, paying more attention to this issue will definitely help to improve the academic level of the students of this university and encourage them to use artificial intelligence, which will definitely not be fruitless.
In the end, I need valuable resources in this field to write articles and conduct my research in the field of artificial intelligence applications in the oil and gas industry. I could have personally prepared these resources, but I felt that they were empty in the university library, and it was my duty to remind you.
Yours sincerely
Iman Saqhfi Far

Machine Learning Guide for Oil and Gas Using Python

Proposta del 27 dicembre 2022
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Titolo: Machine Learning Guide for Oil and Gas Using Python
Autori: Hoss Belyadi, Alireza Haghighat
Editore: Elsevier
Anno pubbl.: 2021-04-13
ISBN: 9780128219294
Proposto a: BCI


With the knowledge that artificial intelligence and machine learning in today’s world is one of the most important issues that are discussed in the fields of engineering and medicine and even in normal life, and petroleum engineering is not an exception to this, and in recent years it has been very Attention has been paid in oil and energy engineering and the world is moving towards using artificial intelligence in this industry. Since the Polytechnic University of Turin is one of the best universities in the world in this field, paying more attention to this issue will definitely help to improve the academic level of the students of this university and encourage them to use artificial intelligence, which will definitely not be fruitless.
In the end, I need valuable resources in this field to write articles and conduct my research in the field of artificial intelligence applications in the oil and gas industry. I could have personally prepared these resources, but I felt that they were empty in the university library, and it was my duty to remind you.
Yours sincerely
Iman Saqhfi Far

Machine Learning and Data Science in the Oil and Gas Industry

Proposta del 27 dicembre 2022
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Titolo: Machine Learning and Data Science in the Oil and Gas Industry
Autori: Patrick Bangert
Editore: Gulf Professional Publishing
Anno pubbl.: 2021-03-04
ISBN: 9780128209141
Proposto a: BCI


With the knowledge that artificial intelligence and machine learning in today’s world is one of the most important issues that are discussed in the fields of engineering and medicine and even in normal life, and petroleum engineering is not an exception to this, and in recent years it has been very Attention has been paid in oil and energy engineering and the world is moving towards using artificial intelligence in this industry. Since the Polytechnic University of Turin is one of the best universities in the world in this field, paying more attention to this issue will definitely help to improve the academic level of the students of this university and encourage them to use artificial intelligence, which will definitely not be fruitless.
In the end, I need valuable resources in this field to write articles and conduct my research in the field of artificial intelligence applications in the oil and gas industry. I could have personally prepared these resources, but I felt that they were empty in the university library, and it was my duty to remind you.
Yours sincerely
Iman Saqhfi Far

Machine Learning in the Oil and Gas Industry

Proposta del 27 dicembre 2022
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Anno pubbl.:
Proposto a: BCI


With the knowledge that artificial intelligence and machine learning in today’s world is one of the most important issues that are discussed in the fields of engineering and medicine and even in normal life, and petroleum engineering is not an exception to this, and in recent years it has been very Attention has been paid in oil and energy engineering and the world is moving towards using artificial intelligence in this industry. Since the Polytechnic University of Turin is one of the best universities in the world in this field, paying more attention to this issue will definitely help to improve the academic level of the students of this university and encourage them to use artificial intelligence, which will definitely not be fruitless.
In the end, I need valuable resources in this field to write articles and conduct my research in the field of artificial intelligence applications in the oil and gas industry. I could have personally prepared these resources, but I felt that they were empty in the university library, and it was my duty to remind you.
Yours sincerely
Iman Saqhfi Far

L’osservazione partecipante. Una guida pratica. Nuova ediz.

Proposta del 27 dicembre 2022
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Titolo: L’osservazione partecipante. Una guida pratica. Nuova ediz.
Autori: Giovanni Semi, Magda Bolzoni
Anno pubbl.: 2022
ISBN: 9788815294005
Proposto a: TER


Manuale di metodologia della ricerca sociale con focus su metodo dell’osservazione partecipante. Attenzione a fenomeni sociali legati a dimensioni spaziali. Utile per studenti di triennale e magistrale interessati a tesi di ricerca che impieghino questo metodo