Ordinary Differential Equations
Proposta del 29 aprile 2023
Titolo: Ordinary Differential Equations
Autori: Vladimir Igorevich Arnolʹd, Richard A. Silverman
Editore: Mit Press
Anno pubbl.: 1978
ISBN: 9780262510189
Proposto a: BCI
Autori: Vladimir Igorevich Arnolʹd, Richard A. Silverman
Editore: Mit Press
Anno pubbl.: 1978
ISBN: 9780262510189
Proposto a: BCI
This book provides an understanding of differential equations, but more from the pure math side of things. V. Arnold gives a wonderful picture of what the field is all about, with a mixture of high-level intuitions and low-level details, with a satisfying focus on visual and physical intuition along the way. I am aware that this book is available in DISMA, but it is not accessible to non-math majors.
s260250 AT studenti DOT polito DOT it
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