Archivio delle proposte

Month: dicembre 2023

No-Nonsense Electrodynamics

Proposta del 27 dicembre 2023
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Titolo: No-Nonsense Electrodynamics
Autori: Jakob Schwichtenberg
Editore: No-Nonsense Books
Anno pubbl.: 2018-12-06
Proposto a: BCI


I think this is a great text for students who just completed Physics II (Fisica II). It provides the origins of concepts learned in Physics II (Fisica II) by gently introducing advanced electrodynamics concepts in a very understandable means.

No-Nonsense Electrodynamics

Proposta del 27 dicembre 2023
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Titolo: No-Nonsense Electrodynamics
Autori: Jakob Schwichtenberg
Editore: No-Nonsense Books
Anno pubbl.: 2018-12-06
Proposto a: BCI


I think this is a great text for students who just completed Physics II (Fisica II). It provides the origins of concepts learned in Physics II (Fisica II) by gently introducing advanced electrodynamics concepts in a very understandable means.

LaTeX Graphics with TikZ

Proposta del 27 dicembre 2023
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Titolo: LaTeX Graphics with TikZ
Autori: Stefan Kottwitz
Editore: Packt Publishing Ltd
Anno pubbl.: 2023-06-09
ISBN: 9781804617045
Proposto a: BCI


Almost all students at Politecnico write their final theses using LaTeX. In LaTeX, there is a user package called TikZ, which is a vector graphic tool that can be used in LaTeX documents. It is one of a few manuals related to TikZ available in the market.

No Ordinary Disruption

Proposta del 27 dicembre 2023
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Titolo: No Ordinary Disruption
Autori: Richard Dobbs, James Manyika, Jonathan Woetzel
Editore: Hachette UK
Anno pubbl.: 2016-08-30
ISBN: 9781610397629
Proposto a: BCI


This book discusses the forces and technological innovations that profoundly and permanently transformed the global economy. I believe this to be a valuable read for engineers.

Advanced Calculus

Proposta del 27 dicembre 2023
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Titolo: Advanced Calculus
Autori: James J. Callahan
Editore: Springer Science & Business Media
Anno pubbl.: 2010-09-09
ISBN: 9781441973320
Proposto a: BCI


In mathematics, you see things like “A Geometric Approach” so often without any real reason to back up these texts’ named approaches more than their peers’ generic takes. This is not the case with this book. The emphasis is on intuition but the author does not shy away from advanced concepts. The many diagrams and graphs have practical reasons to be there as they help with understanding. The examples are given to motivate the reader to do a great job at it. There are also some proofs whenever the proof is not very big. There are also proofs when the proof directly helps with the understanding. The writing style is also great, mixing a formal type of writing with a more conversational style.
It is of great use to physicists, engineers, and mathematicians to understand and reinforce one’s intuition behind these concepts (suitable for MA I and MA II students).

Also, the author states in the preface that the Feynman Lectures were a great influence due to the way that Feynman explained everything! So, this is a strong indication of an author trying(and succeeding) to write a book on mathematics using that very powerful way of thinking and explaining.

Foundations of Astrophysics

Proposta del 22 dicembre 2023
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Titolo: Foundations of Astrophysics
Autori: Barbara Ryden, Bradley M. Peterson
Editore: Cambridge University Press
Anno pubbl.: 2020-08-27
ISBN: 9781108831956
Proposto a: BCI


This textbook provides great introduction to anyone who would like to study topics like astrophysics, celestial mechanics, and dynamical systems like 3-body problem.

Fundamentals of IoT Communication Technologies

Proposta del 19 dicembre 2023
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Titolo: Fundamentals of IoT Communication Technologies
Autori: Rolando Herrero
Editore: Springer Nature
Anno pubbl.: 2021-06-23
ISBN: 9783030700805
Proposto a: BCI



previa ricerca del volume proposto nei vostri archivi, sono a proporre l’acquisto in quanto testo di interesse per gli studenti della nuova laurea magistrale in AGRITECH ENGINEERING. Sarà di fatto testo di riferimento per un modulo erogato dal sottoscritto nell’ambito del corso IoT for Agriculture.

Ringrazio cordialmente per la considerazione e porgo distinti saluti,

A. Minetto

Scenografia e scenotecnica barocca tra Ferrara e Parma, 1625-1631

Proposta del 19 dicembre 2023
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Titolo: Scenografia e scenotecnica barocca tra Ferrara e Parma, 1625-1631
Autori: Giuseppe Adami
Editore: L’Erma Di Bretschneider
Anno pubbl.: 2003
Proposto a: BCA


Si tratta di un libro interessante per i documenti che propone e l’ampio catalogo analizzato, parte dell’archivio Floriani a Macerata. Risulta di particolare interesse per i dottorandi e gli studenti in architettura per le indagini sul teatro barocco e le scenografie nei disegni del Floriani e in rapporto ad un più ampio contesto italiano ed europeo.
Introduzione; Capitolo I, I protagonisti: Francesco Guitti e Pietro Paolo Floriani; Capitolo II, Il teatro e la guerra. Scenografia, scenotecnica e ingegneria militare tra Cinque e Seicento; Capitolo III, Gli esordi: il Teatro degli Intrepidi in San Lorenzo e le feste ferraresi del 1625 in onore di Taddeo Barberini; Capitolo IV, Le feste farnesiane del 1628; Capitolo V, Il torneo intitolato La Contesa: Ferrara 1631; Catalogo dei disegni; Codici; Lista delle abbreviazioni; Indice delle illustrazioni; Bibliografia; Indice analitico.

Emerging Ecologies: Architecture and the Rise of Environmentalism

Proposta del 18 dicembre 2023
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Titolo: Emerging Ecologies: Architecture and the Rise of Environmentalism
Autori: Carson Chan
Anno pubbl.: 2023-09-12
ISBN: 9781633451544
Proposto a: BCA


Catalogo dell’omonima mostra al MOMA di New York, organizzata dall’Emilio Ambasz Institute, importante per il tentativo di tracciare una genealogia dell’interesse ecologico nel campo della cultura architettonica del XX secolo

Drawing for Architects

Proposta del 18 dicembre 2023
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Anno pubbl.:
Proposto a: BCA


“Drawing for Architects (Quarto Publishing) provides insights into a progression of drawing types, projections, and techniques by amplifying the conversations among plan, section, elevation, axonometric, oblique, and perspective, each with a specific relation to the kind of design information that is possible to express within it. This book suggestively explains both the technical and disciplinary importance of these conventions of “drawing” and the ways they continue to underwrite and enable the efforts of architectural design. Within is a catalog of drawing types used in architecture, as well as an assessment of applications, techniques for production, and key terminology, mostly explored through a unique case study that takes a purpose-made building design through each type and technique. To complement this information, drawing examples from a broad spectrum of currently practicing architects are featured as specimens of what drawing for architecture means today”. Volume di interesse per ampliare la bibliografia dei Laboratori di Disegno e Rilievo.