Building the presence of the prince

Proposta del 3 febbraio 2025
Titolo: Building the presence of the prince
Anno pubbl.: 2024
ISBN: 9782503593364
Proposto a: BCA


Libro utilissimo e molto completo per lo studio dell’organizzazione dei cantieri di età moderna in Europa, ottimo strumento di lavoro per gli studenti di Corsi di LM in architettura (specialmente nei corsi di Construction History) e per i ricercatori / docenti del Politecnico. This volume, with contributions from architectural historians, administrative historians, and court historians, represents a first attempt to compare these institutions on a pan-European scale from the late Middle Ages up to the end of the seventeenth century. It aims to explore the relationships between the local specificities of these organisations and their shared characteristics. From a multidisciplinary perspective, it addresses questions concerning the nature of such administrations, their purpose, organisational structure, and judicial powers, as well as their role in the formation of the state.

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