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Category: bci

Ordinary Differential Equations

Proposta del 29 aprile 2023
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Titolo: Ordinary Differential Equations
Autori: Vladimir Igorevich Arnolʹd, Richard A. Silverman
Editore: Mit Press
Anno pubbl.: 1978
ISBN: 9780262510189
Proposto a: BCI


This book provides an understanding of differential equations, but more from the pure math side of things. V. Arnold gives a wonderful picture of what the field is all about, with a mixture of high-level intuitions and low-level details, with a satisfying focus on visual and physical intuition along the way. I am aware that this book is available in DISMA, but it is not accessible to non-math majors.

Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces

Proposta del 29 aprile 2023
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Titolo: Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
Autori: Kristopher Tapp
Editore: Springer
Anno pubbl.: 2016-09-30
ISBN: 9783319397993
Proposto a: BCI


Unlike classical differential geometry books like Kreyzig, this is a relatively modern differential geometry textbook. What differentiates this book most from other differential geometry textbooks is that this book contains a lot of very useful physics applications like a cycloidal pendulum (Huygens pendulum). I found this textbook to be extremely helpful when studying classical mechanics. In addition, there are some professors who teach curves and surfaces in a very rigorous way in Mathematical Analysis II (Analisi Matematica II), which would make this book the perfect fit.

Critical Zones

Proposta del 29 aprile 2023
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Titolo: Critical Zones
Autori: Bruno Latour, Peter Weibel
Editore: MIT Press
Anno pubbl.: 2020-10-13
ISBN: 9780262044455
Proposto a: BCI


Uno degli ultimi libri di Bruno Latour, una curatela che articola la sua proposta di una nuova cosmologia basata sulle scienze della Terra, un nuovo modo di intendere la nostra vita sullo spazio finito della Terra.

Differential Equations with Applications and Historical Notes

Proposta del 23 aprile 2023
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Titolo: Differential Equations with Applications and Historical Notes
Autori: George F. Simmons
Editore: CRC Press
Anno pubbl.: 2016-11-17
ISBN: 9781498702621
Proposto a: BCI


This is the newest edition of George F. Simmons’s famous “Differential Equations with Applications and Historical Notes.” t drastically changed my outlook on a large part of mathematics. For example, we might wonder why do we put so much effort in studying the convergence of power series in analysis II? The subject is interesting on its own, but aside from the abstract interest, it’s ultimately because we want to use those methods to understand power series solutions of differential equations.
This book is clearly written, and it not only makes the subject interesting but deeply fascinating. Great mathematicians like Gauss and Laplace were trying to solve problems of physics and engineering, in which differential equations are ubiquitous, and these problems are the primary motivation for a large part of analysis and topology. Unlike other books on ODE, Simmons’ exercises are fun. It was fun just to read them, and each one got me excited to try to find out the answer.

I am aware that the university library has the first edition copy (1972), but this latest 3rd edition was augmented with a chapter dedicated to Laplace transform, improvements on the explanations of Abel’s mechanical problem, tautochrone, Van der Pol equations (Nonlinear dynamics-discussed in classical mechanics courses), and etc.

Analysis II

Proposta del 23 aprile 2023
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Titolo: Analysis II
Autori: Terence Tao
Editore: Springer
Anno pubbl.: 2016-08-22
ISBN: 9789811018046
Proposto a: BCI


This is not a typical advanced calculus book. This was written by one of the greatest mathematicians of our era, Terence Tao. He actually wrote two books for undergraduate students, “Analysis I” and “Analysis II.” In this book, he discusses topics like metric spaces, uniform convergence, Lebesgue measures, and Lebesgue integration. These topics are not very well discussed in a typical advanced calculus book (or Analysis II or Analysis I). What’s more surprising is that despite the difficulty of the topics he discusses, Tao made the book quite readable; it can be casually read and understood without picking up a pencil during reading.

Classical Mechanics

Proposta del 22 aprile 2023
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Titolo: Classical Mechanics
Autori: Herbert Goldstein, Charles P. Poole, John L. Safko
Editore: Addison-Wesley Longman
Anno pubbl.: 2002
ISBN: 9780201657029
Proposto a: BCI


Since the 1950s, this has been the acknowledged standard in advanced (graduate or advanced undergraduate) classical mechanics courses (Pretty much all physicists in the world know this book). This latest edition is better equipped with advanced topics like chaos theory and fractals. I am aware of the fact that this book is present in the DISAT library, but they are not easily accessible (short hours, needs a department identification to get in).

China and Cold War International Science

Proposta del 19 aprile 2023
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Titolo: China and Cold War International Science
Autori: Gordon Barrett
Editore: Cambridge University Press
Anno pubbl.: 2022-08-25
ISBN: 9781108844574
Proposto a: BCI


È il libro più recente e importnate sull’usa della diplomazia scientifica in Cina durante la Guerra Fredda. Importate per gli studi in storia della scienza e della tecnica portati avanti al Polito.

Special Relativity for Beginners

Proposta del 15 aprile 2023
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Anno pubbl.:
Proposto a: BCI


This is probably the best beginner textbook covering the topic of special relativity with many applications. The best thing about this book is that it gives precise instructions on drawing the space-time diagram. In addition, this book encompasses great exercise problems on special relativity with a link to electromagnetism. I am aware that the book is present in DISAT library, but it is not easily accessible to undergraduate students.

The Variational Principles of Mechanics

Proposta del 14 aprile 2023
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Titolo: The Variational Principles of Mechanics
Autori: Cornelius Lanczos
Editore: Courier Corporation
Anno pubbl.: 2012-04-24
ISBN: 9780486134703
Proposto a: BCI


Usually, engineering students know nothing about analytical mechanics except for a few students who decide to take analytical mechanics courses. The mainstream textbooks taught physics from a Newtonian approach, using mostly vectors and potentials. When the students encounter Lagrangians and Hamiltonians they usually don’t understand the intricate mathematical foundations behind them. Unfortunately, many aspects of interesting theoretical physics are forbidden for engineering students: phase and configuration space, Noether’s theorem, Poincare’s methods, relativistic equations, Feynman’s quantum-mechanical interpretation of the principle of least action, and so on. There are several interesting features of this book. It explains the differences between variation and differentiation, something that most books on the subject leapfrog. It explains clearly the D’Alembert Principle and the Principle of Virtual Work (Often omitted at the undergraduate level). From those principles the author derives the Principle of Least Action (Hamiltonian Principle), using just elemental calculus. Then he introduces the reader to Legendre’s transformation and the relations between the two fundamental quantities of analytical mechanics: Lagrangian and Hamiltonian. In addition, equations of movement corresponding to those quantities: Euler-Lagrange (Lagrangian) and canonical (Hamiltonian) equations, a powerful insight into configuration and phase spaces, including the wonderful Liouville’s theorem, and
the analogies between optics and mechanics (Snell’s law) when he explains the Hamilton-Jabobi equations.

I can say that this is a defacto compendium of variational principles that we engineers take for granted despite its intricate nature. Of course, I don’t think there are going to be that many students at Politecnico who are going to be interested in reading this kind of somewhat pedantic subject. But who knows? One that the student who reads this might save humanity.

Mathematical Methods for Physicists

Proposta del 14 aprile 2023
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Titolo: Mathematical Methods for Physicists
Autori: George B. Arfken, Hans J. Weber, Frank E. Harris
Editore: Academic Press
Anno pubbl.: 2012-01-17
ISBN: 9780123846549
Proposto a: BCI


Although this is the standard graduate-level or advanced undergraduate mathematics textbook designed for physicists, it is also suitable for engineers. This book explains the rudimentary concepts of tensor analysis in a no-nonsense way better than any other textbook. I know there are older editions of this book, but I couldn’t borrow it because the copy was severely damaged.