Differential Equations
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Proposto a: BCI
This is an English translation of the legendary Italian mathematician F.G. Tricomi’s “Equazioni Differenziali,” who is from Turin.
s260250 AT studenti DOT polito DOT it
This is an English translation of the legendary Italian mathematician F.G. Tricomi’s “Equazioni Differenziali,” who is from Turin.
s260250 AT studenti DOT polito DOT it
This undergraduate mathematics textbook blends Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry, using isometries as a unifying thread, and culminates in a geometric discussion of special relativity. By the end, from isometries to the Lorentz–Minkowski plane, the book builds an understanding of how geometry can be used to model special relativity. This textbook provides a geometrical prerequisite to study special relativity for students with limited exposure to advanced mathematics.
s260250 AT studenti DOT polito DOT it
This is a very readable introduction to the infamous and classic three-body problem and other celestial mechanics topics. It is very reader-friendly that even undergraduate students with sufficient background in mathematical analysis and linear algebra can read fluently.
s260250 AT studenti DOT polito DOT it
This is an easy and modern introduction to functional analysis with minimum prerequisites. This textbook covers key results in functional analysis that are essential for further study in the calculus of variations, analysis, dynamical systems, and the theory of partial differential equations. Given the fact that many students (except for physics and mathematics majors) don’t get to take functional analysis courses, this textbook would be a valuable addition for those students in other engineering disciplines who wish to study the calculus of variations, dynamical systems, PDEs, etc. in depth.
s260250 AT studenti DOT polito DOT it
To understand the general theory of dynamical systems and chaos, one needs to understand the concepts of modern differential geometry like manifolds, advanced understandings of vector fields (e.g. Lie derivatives), and differential forms. This textbook serves as an introduction to modern differential geometry at a level accessible to advanced undergraduate and master’s students. It places special emphasis on motivation and understanding, while developing a solid intuition for the more abstract concepts. In contrast to graduate level references, the text relies on a minimal set of prerequisites: a solid grounding in linear algebra and multivariable calculus, and ideally a course on ordinary differential equations. Manifolds are introduced intrinsically in terms of coordinate patches glued by transition functions. The theory is presented as a natural continuation of multivariable calculus; the role of point-set topology is kept to a minimum.
s260250 AT studenti DOT polito DOT it
Students often encounter concepts of dynamical systems and analytical mechanics (Hamiltonian formulation) without prior experience in differential geometry. Unlike many other mainstream introductory differential geometry textbooks, this textbook exposes students to Riemannian and symplectic geometry, which are used in the studies of dynamical systems and Hamiltonian mechanics with minimum prerequisites.
s260250 AT studenti DOT polito DOT it
At Politecnico di Torino, except for a few majors, no course delves into the theories of partial differential equations. Nevertheless, partial differential equations are ubiquitous and indispensable tools for almost all areas of engineering and physics. This book provides extremely comprehensive materials with minimum prerequisites (MA I, MA II, Linear Algebra) on the theory of PDEs, including numerical methods.
s260250 AT studenti DOT polito DOT it
Attività di ricerca inerente alla radionavigazione con sistemi satellitari (GNSS) nello spazio Terra/Luna nell’ambito del Lunar GNSS Receiver Experiment (LuGRE). LuGRE è un progetto di ricerca e sviluppo tecnologico in collaborazione tra ASI e NASA che ha l’obiettivo di utilizzare i segnali delle costellazioni GPS e Galileo nella fase di trasferimento del Lander verso la Luna ed in quella successiva all’allunaggio. LuGRE sperimenterà il posizionamento con i sistemi GPS e Galileo oltre i 200.000 km di distanza, il che costituisce un elemento di assoluto rilievo in quanto ad oggi non ci sono precedenti dell’utilizzo dei segnali Galileo per il calcolo della posizione di un veicolo spaziale oltre l’orbita terrestre. I dati della sperimentazione raccolti ed elaborati verranno messi a disposizione della comunità scientifica per lo studio dell’ambiente lunare e cislunare, oltre che per valutare l’uso futuro del GNSS e delle sue evoluzioni a supporto di missioni permanenti. In particolare, il ruolo di Prime Investigator (italiano) sarà in carico al gruppo NavSAS del Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni (DET) del Politecnico di Torino.
oliviero DOT vouch AT polito DOT it
Il libro risulta introvabile nelle biblioteche di Torino e presenta una narrazione importnate della ricerca sulal fusione nucleare, potenzialmente utile nel corso di storia della scienza e delle tecniche.
roberto DOT lalli AT polito DOT it
Neurosymbolic AI is a young field which is still being actively defined and explored, and this book will be of interest to those working in AI research and development.
The book is intended to follow and extend the work of the previous book, Neuro-symbolic artificial intelligence: The state of the art (already present in the online catalogue) which laid out the breadth of the field at that time.
lucafrancesco DOT rossi AT polito DOT it