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Category: bci

Battery Management Systems, Volume III: Physics-Based Methods

Proposta del 26 marzo 2024
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Titolo: Battery Management Systems, Volume III: Physics-Based Methods
Autori: Gregory L. Plett, M. Scott Trimboli
Editore: Artech House
Anno pubbl.: 2024-01-31
ISBN: 9781630819057
Proposto a: BCI


Terzo volume di una serie su sistemi di gestione delle batterie da parte dell’autore più autorevole nel campo, che è di enorme rilevanza per il settore dell’autoveicolo. La biblioteca ha già in catalogo i primi due volumi.

Visual Differential Geometry and Forms

Proposta del 22 febbraio 2024
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Titolo: Visual Differential Geometry and Forms
Autori: Tristan Needham
Editore: Princeton University Press
Anno pubbl.: 2021-07-13
ISBN: 9780691203690
Proposto a: BCI


Tristan Needham, a well celebrated mathematics author for his masterpiece “Visual Complex Analysis,” wrote this another masterpiece.

This book, “Visual Differential Geometry and Forms” fulfills two principal goals. In the first four acts, Tristan Needham puts the geometry back into differential geometry. Using 235 hand-drawn diagrams, Needham deploys Newton’s geometrical methods to provide new geometrical explanations of the classical results. In the fifth act, he offers the first undergraduate introduction to Differential Forms that treats advanced topics in an intuitive and geometrical manner.

Dynamical Systems

Proposta del 22 febbraio 2024
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Titolo: Dynamical Systems
Autori: Shlomo Sternberg
Editore: Courier Corporation
Anno pubbl.: 2014-06-10
ISBN: 9780486135144
Proposto a: BCI


While Steven H. Strogatz’s masterpiece “Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos” was written in a way to make dynamical system to be understandable for non-mathematicians, this book is intended for little bit more mathematically mature audience. Celebrated mathematician Shlomo Sternberg, a pioneer in the field of dynamical systems, created this modern one-semester introduction to the subject for his classes at Harvard University. Its wide-ranging treatment covers one-dimensional dynamics, differential equations, random walks, iterated function systems, symbolic dynamics, and Markov chains.

“Even though there are many dynamical systems books on the market, this book is bound to become a classic. The theory is explained with attractive stories illustrating the theory of dynamical systems, such as the Newton method, the Feigenbaum renormalization picture, fractal geometry, the Perron-Frobenius mechanism, and Google PageRank.” — Oliver Knill, PhD, Preceptor of Mathematics, Harvard University

Mathematical Physics

Proposta del 18 febbraio 2024
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Titolo: Mathematical Physics
Autori: Sadri Hassani
Editore: Springer Science & Business Media
Anno pubbl.: 2013-07-27
ISBN: 9783319011950
Proposto a: BCI


This is one of the most popular graduate-level mathematical physics textbooks along with Arfken’s book. As of the latest edition, the 2nd edition introduced hereby, Clifford algebra and expression theory have been added, and the explanation of the mathematical foundations of differential manifolds, fiber bundles, and gauge theory, starting with tensor analysis is contained in the book in the most detail manner than any other textbooks.

The first part deals with linear algebra as an introduction to abstract algebra. Not only does it rigorously introduce mathematical theories, but it also does not miss practical calculation methods in physics. Afterward, the basics of functional analysis are briefly covered, and then the classification of differential equations and solution series in physics, Fourier transform, and complex analysis will be covered in depth. Integral transformation and integral equations are covered in one chapter each, and Green’s function, which spans three chapters, can be said to be the highlight of the first half of mathematical physics. In the case of finite group theory, it is covered in several times more detail and rigor than Arfken.

In addition, several chapters are devoted to explaining representation theory, and there are very detailed and application-oriented examples, providing a foundation for a solid understanding of quantum mechanics for undergraduate students and above.

The expression of Lie group and Lie algebra is also covered in detail. The symmetry of a system of differential equations through the application of Lie group and Lie algebra is explained over two chapters, and the complete explanation of Noether’s theorem at the end is the highlight. The last part is a thorough introduction to differential geometry and Riemannian geometry based on bundle theory.

Fundamentals of Jet Propulsion with Power Generation Applications

Proposta del 18 febbraio 2024
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Titolo: Fundamentals of Jet Propulsion with Power Generation Applications
Autori: Ronald D. Flack
Editore: Cambridge University Press
Anno pubbl.: 2023-07-31
ISBN: 9781316517369
Proposto a: BCI


This is a comprehensive book on the fundamentals of turbomachinery. This was also a recommended reading related to turbomachinery and fluid power in my course.

Introduction to Topology

Proposta del 14 febbraio 2024
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Titolo: Introduction to Topology
Autori: Colin Conrad Adams, Robert David Franzosa
Editore: Pearson
Anno pubbl.: 2008
Proposto a: BCI


This is a textbook with a very unique structure. Starting with basic topological space theory for beginners, it has everything a student would need, but there are also chapters on its vast and interesting applications: dynamical systems, graphs, knots, manifolds, and cosmology. The author is Professor Colin Adams of Williams College, who is also well-known for his knot theory textbook, and provides a very broad introduction to the application of topology to other disciplines. If a student is interested in topics such as knot theory or graphs, or one is a student in other disciplines need a knowledge in topology, this is a textbook that he/she can look into as a supplementary textbook while studying other mainstream topology books.

An Introduction to the Mechanics of Solids (in SI Units)

Proposta del 14 febbraio 2024
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Titolo: An Introduction to the Mechanics of Solids (in SI Units)
Autori: Robert R. Archer, Stephen H. Crandall, Norman C. Dahl, M. S. Sivakumar, Thomas J. Lardner
Editore: Tata McGraw-Hill Education
Anno pubbl.: 2012
ISBN: 9780071070034
Proposto a: BCI


The book starts with basic elasticity theory and energy methods for small volumes, which are usually covered in many other solid mechanics books, but later on, it introduces all kinds of interesting and unfamiliar concepts, such as shear stress in composite materials and asymmetric shear stress. It is indeed a challenging book, however I believe it will be a nice addition to the library for masters students, advanced undergraduate students, and even 2nd year students who who have strong motivation to learn solid mechanics in depth.

The Only Woman

Proposta del 8 febbraio 2024
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Titolo: The Only Woman
Autori: Immy Humes
Editore: Phaidon Press
Anno pubbl.: 2022-08-03
ISBN: 9781838664206
Proposto a: BCA, BCI


Un viaggio alla scoperta di donne che si sono fatte strada in un mondo di uomini, raccontato da foto di gruppo in cui è presente un’unica donna. Un focus unico sul ruolo di donne e uomini nella vita pubblica dal 1860 ad oggi, con interessanti esempi da quasi 20 paesi, Immy Humes racconta la storia di 100 donne rivoluzionarie, celebri e meno note, provenienti da ambiti diversi: scrittrici, direttrici, atlete, ferroviere, astronaute, combattenti per i diritti civili. Un contributo inedito alla storia culturale e visuale fatto di storie mai raccolte, scandali, misteri e divertimento.

Decostruzione antiabilista. Percorsi di autoeducazione individuale e collettiva

Proposta del 26 gennaio 2024
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Titolo: Decostruzione antiabilista. Percorsi di autoeducazione individuale e collettiva
Autori: Claudia Maltese, Gresa Fazliu
Anno pubbl.: 2023
ISBN: 9791280495235
Proposto a: BCA, BCI


Questo saggio racconta il percorso personale di formazione, individuale e collettivo, delle due autrici. Il primo passo è il riconoscimento dell’abilismo che permea la nostra società e dei meccanismi con cui marginalizza le persone con disabilità come loro. Il secondo è iniziare a decostruirlo giorno per giorno e provare a farlo tuttә insieme. Il terzo è comprendere come funziona il rapporto tra le persone con disabilità e il resto della società. Perché la disabilità non è qualcosa di intrinseco, non è dentro i corpi o le menti delle persone, ma è il risultato di una relazione sbagliata tra loro e il mondo abilista in cui viviamo.

Contro l’automobile. È più facile immaginare la fine del mondo che un mondo senza automobili?

Proposta del 26 gennaio 2024
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Titolo: Contro l’automobile. È più facile immaginare la fine del mondo che un mondo senza automobili?
Autori: Andrea Coccia
Anno pubbl.: 2020
ISBN: 9788898644728
Proposto a: BCA, BCI


L’assoluta dipendenza dalle automobili ci ha condotti a credere che non ci siano alternative credibili. Andrea Coccia rivela come l’industria automobilistica abbia plasmato il nostro mondo, portandoci a una società interamente orientata verso l’auto. Dal passato alle congestioni urbane attuali, l’autore ci spinge a opporci a questo modello e a immaginare strategie di mobilità più sostenibili.