Military Engineers and the Development of the Early-modern European State

Proposta del 14 aprile 2023
Titolo: Military Engineers and the Development of the Early-modern European State
Autori: Bruce Lenman
Anno pubbl.: 2013
ISBN: 9781474406093
Proposto a: BCA, BCI


Testo di grande itneresse per una ricerca in corso. Dall’abstract: “The book examines the unique role of European military engineers in the service of both kingdoms and republics from the fifteenth to the early nineteenth century […]. They were active in European sovereignties from Lisbon to Istanbul, and also in the fortified port enclaves and dominions acquired by their employers overseas […]. With the evolution of civilian professions such as civil engineering and pressure to specialise as combat engineers, they finally narrowed their scope, leading to underestimation of their wider earlier significance”.
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